Repair - Center

Many machine manufacturers and types, we are dependent in particular cases, also on your help regarding certain data. Specially when the nameplate is no longer present on the unit, and the performance and setting data are missing. From the manual of the machine you should ask in these cases are possible the hydraulic plan and other technical data (speed, motor power, type of oil etc) available.

Use for the transmission of important data here for our DOWNLOAD Standing by shipping form for repair assumption.

Upon receipt of the repair we provide you a free repair cost estimate.

Please enter also remarks on the failure reason. Particularly important is the reference to the use of organic oil and the cause of failure, such as no power, hot oil, noise, leaks is (possible presentation) This information is important for both sides to make an assessment of the damage can and to identify any action in your plant. With this information, we can better process the cost estimate and the subsequent repair process or bench testing


HK Hydraulik Kontor GmbH

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  • Hydraulische Antriebstechnik - HK HYDRAULIK-KONTOR GmbH
  • Hydraulische Antriebstechnik - HK HYDRAULIK-KONTOR GmbH
  • Hydraulische Antriebstechnik - HK HYDRAULIK-KONTOR GmbH


Hydro:Pumpen Motoren Ventile Zylinder Anlagen Winden Getriebe


Hydro:Pumps, motors, power packs, Valves, winches, gear boxes


Гидро: насосы моторы клапаны цилиндры агрегаты лебедки

Ihr Partner für hydraulische Antriebstechnik, Mobil- und Industriehydraulik
Your partner for hydraulic drive technology , mobile and industrial hydraulics
Ваш партнер по технологии гидравлического привода , мобильной и промышленной гидравлики

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