Tank filter

Suction filter / return flow filter series AFI
As suction filter or return flow filter for building in tank to 1200 l / min in return flow or in suction movement 550 l / min.
Constructional sizes: AFI 025 – 040 – 100 – 250 – 630- 850 (old AFR 30 – 60 – 100 –180)
Qmax: 1200 l /min in backward flow
550 l /min im suction movement
Accessories: optical or electric pollution index
Filter type: CFI
Kinds of filters: paper, inorganic fiber, metal fabric
Exactitude of filtering: 3,6,10,25,60,90 or 125 microns
To chose with or without bypass.

Suction filter series AFR
Suction filter for building in pipelines or tanks to 200 l /min.
Constructional sizes: AFR 091 – 111 – 112 - 171 (old AFR 30 – 60 – 100 –180)
Qmax: 200 l/min
Accessories: optical or electric pollution index
Filter type: CR (old CA)
Kinds of filters: paper, inorganic fiber, metal fabric
Exactitude of filtering: 3,6,10,25,60,90,125 or 250 microns
To chose with or without bypass.

Return flow filter series OMTF
Return flow filter for building in tank to 500 l/min
Constructional sizes: OMTF 09 – 17 – 11 – 22 (old OMTF 40 – 65 – 85 - 100 – 150 – 200 – 280 – 300 - 350)
Qmax: 500 l /min in backward flow
Accessories: optical or electric pollution index
Filter type: CR
Kinds of filters: paper, inorganic fiber, metal fabric
Exactitude of filtering: 3,6,10,25,60,90 or 125 microns

Return flow filter series OMTP
Return flow filter for building in tank to 500 l /min with combined purger and bayonet (optional)
Constructional sizes: OMTP 20 - 100
Qmax:175 l/min
Accessories:optical or electric pollution index
Filter type: OMTPR
Kinds of filters: paper, inorganic fiber, metal fabric
Exactitude of filtering:3,6,10,25,60,90 or 125 microns