Block valves

3-way hand control valves series DDF
Switching tap for 3 - 6 annexations to connection from 2 receiver sets to inflow.
PAB central connected or closed position
- Type : DDF3V 02 - 07
- Size : 3/8“ to 1 ½“
- Q = 60 ltr/min to 280 ltr/min
- Pmax = 315 bar
- Material : cast steel

Valves regulated by current series RFP
3-Ways valves regulated by current from 2 receiver sets to inflow.
The main adjustable current compensating the pressure and temperature disconnection current possible to burdening.
- Type : RFP 02 - 03
- Size : 3/8“ to 1/2“
- QEntrance = 52 ltr/min to 85 ltr/min
- QRegulated = 28 ltr/min to 50 ltr/min
- Pmax = 210 bar
- Material : Aluminium

Flow regulators series VRFB
Flow regulators built-in in pipeline to stop the oil flow in one direction of flow, different direction of flow is not altered , the regulator isn't compensated by pressure/ temperature like volves regulated by the current.
Different constructional sizes for 10 – 80 ltr/min
- Type : VRFB90 01 - 04
- Size : 1/4“ to 3/4“
- Qmax = to 80 ltr/min
- Pmax = 350 bar
- Material : Steel

Duplicate load hold valve series WBCDELU / WBCSELU
Against overload valves for individual or douplicate function to arresting near cylinders burden or arresting engines
Steering out is from outside near mono function or mutually near double function.
Different constructional sizes for max 40 – 60 ltr/min
- Type : WBCDELU / WBCSELU 02 / 03
- Size : 3/8“ to 1/2“
- Qmax = to 60 ltr/min
- Pmax = 350 bar
- Material : Steel or aluminium

Duplicate - pressure - restriction - valve series VMDI
Duplicate - pressure - restriction - valve built-in pipeline pressureDifferent constructional sizes for 35 - 80 ltr /min
To purchase also as individual cartridge.
- Type : VMDI 35 / 80
- Size : 3/8“ to 3/4“
- Qmax = to 80 ltr/min
- Pmax = 350 bar
- Material : Aluminium or steel

Flow regulator with check valves series VRFU
Flow regulators built-in in pipeline to stop the oil flow in one direction of flow, different direction of flow is not altered , the regulator isn't compensated by pressure/ temperature like valves regulated by the current.
Different constructional sizes for 10 – 120 ltr/min ( regulated 60 ltr/min )
- Type : VRFB90 01 - 04
- Size : 1/4“ to 3/4“
- Qmax = to 80 ltr/min
- Pmax = 350 bar
- Material : Steel

Relief valves series VMD
Relief valves built-in in pipeline pressure
Different constructional sizes for 20 - 35 - 80 - 150 ltr / min
To purchase also as individual cartridge.
- Type : VMD 20 / 35 / 80 / 150
- Size : 1/4“ to 1“
- Qmax = to 150 ltr/min
- Pmax = 350 bar
- Material : Aluminium or steel.

Compensated flow divider series VDF
1:1 compensated flow divider to annexation of 2 receiver sets of inflow with division of stream.
1 entrance stream is distributed 1:1 on both exits with the help of distributing stream of piston.
- Type : VDF 02
- Size : 3/8“ to 1/2“
- QEingang = 6,5 ltr/min to 58 ltr/min
- Pmax = 210 bar
- Material : Aluminium

Tube break protection series VUBA
The pipes protection before crack for build in pipeline to prevent uncontrolled currents near snake / the pipe cracks.
Different constructional sizes for max 12 - 150 ltr / min
- Type : VUBA 01 - 05
- Size : 1/4“ to 1“
- Qmax = to 150 ltr/min
- Pmax = 350 barMaterial : Steel